Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, October 26th, 2007

Mommy and Daddy had a pretty good night with me tonight. I really enjoy my sponge baths now and up until they change my trach tie I am in a good mood and smile a lot. Mommy has started increasing my feedings even though she hasn't been back to the pediatrician with me yet. She wants to make sure I don't stop making progress with my weight gain while we are waiting to get in to see the doctor. Aunt Jan ran the numbers when she was here so Mommy had some idea of what to move the feedings to. I am up to 75 cc's an hour during my daily feedings - I am taking a lot now! Mommy is going to move me up to 80 cc's on Monday and then my appointment with my pediatrician is on Tuesday.

There was a little excitement this afternoon. Right after my feeding Mommy decided to change out my g tube dressings. While she was doing that, Lucille started to change the bedding on my crib. Once Mommy was done, she put me in my vibrating chair and suddenly I was spitting up all over the place. In the midst of this Mommy's work called for a conference call. She was trying to suction me and talk on the phone at the same time - not a good combo! Lesson learned - no vibrating chairs or pushing on my tummy right after a feeding!