Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17th, 2009

It was a busy day! Today was the UC Davis NICU reunion party - they called it Miracle Island and it had a Survivor theme. With temperatures in the mid 90's by the time we arrived and it being outside under a big tent we felt like surviors by the time we left! We got our name tags and grabbed a seat to eat some lunch. We were right on time and a few people started straggling in. With over 1000 graduates invited there was a very small turn out but I still had fun. I swigged off of Daddy's coke while listening to the band. Evenutally, I got down on the ground and started grooving to the music - who cares if no one else was dancing! Before we left we got a family photo complete with me in a Bermuda hat. I was getting overheated really fast and with surgery coming up in less than a week my parents didn't want to risk it so we didn't stay very long. By the time we got home I was nice and cool again and ready to show off my new skill - climbing onto the couch! My parents are in lots of trouble now!
Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the cute overalls and SO happy to hear you made it to the picnic! Sounds like you had a great time, even if the turnout wasn't great.

    Looking great in mommy's glasses! Crossing my fingers that you don't end up needing glasses!

    Love you!

    Aunt Kristin
