Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

I should have known! We all got excited too soon. After 48 hours being spit free, around 2 am I had another episode. This was Marianne's first time having this happen with me so she woke my parents up. Mommy came out and was holding me when she started to feel a little dizzy so she sat down. She started to feel even worse and thought she might pass out so she asked Marianne to hold me and she would go get Daddy. Mommy sent Daddy on to talk to Marianne about the protocol when I am sick while she got on the bathroom floor to try to shake it off. Within a few minutes she felt better and eventually came back out to spend some time with me before I fell asleep. Mommy had a similar event when she was pregnant with me one night. Not sure what caused it but Daddy thinks it might be the stress of me getting sick again.

I stayed awake for Marianne for four hours in total, finally falling asleep around 4 am, but I was up bright and early at 7 am just in time to say goodbye to Daddy and Marianne before they left. All things considered I was in a pretty good mood this morning and all day with Lucille. I had several good naps and just seemed like I felt better.

Mommy put a call in to the GI to talk about what is going on with me. Meanwhile, they are putting my crib back on an incline in case that has anything to do with it. Mommy got a call today from my audiologist about my second BAHA. Apparently, infants with bilateral hearing loss is pretty uncommon, so although I can get my BAHA pretty quickly, my headband will have to be custom made and will take about three months. My parents are going to try to rig something with the headband I have now to accomodate the second one, so wish them luck. I always thought I was pretty special but I just keep showing everyone just how much!

This evening I was in a great mood and played with my brothers on the floor. I love trying to sneak their toys away from them when they aren't looking.

A shout out to all my "family" at the University Health Plans. You can see me wearing my U Baby Care bib in the picture above. I wear a bib to bed each night to keep my jammies from getting wet from my trach mist and these bibs work extra well because they snap in the back - that way they don't fall off like the velcro ones when I move and I can't pull them off either.

Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. You sure are getting big, look alot like Traiton in these photos I think. I hope all is getting back on track with your feedings so your parents can get some rest. Tell your mom she needs to sleep! Love you,
    uncle Jason
