Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

Mommy was very nervous about my follow up cardiology appointment today. She was hoping my aortic valve disease hadn't gotten any worse because she didn't want there to be any hold ups for my upcoming surgeries.

First off, I had my EKG. The tech put 13 stickers on me and then attached leads to them. Then I had to be really still for about a minute until she got the results she needed. After my EKG it was on to vitals - height, weight, temperature, oxygen levels, blood pressure and head circumference. On Monday at the GI's office I was 15 lbs. 4 ozs. with no clothes or diaper - today I was 15 lbs. 9 ozs. Since every doctor's office scale seems to be a little different - it's hard to say if I really gained any weight or not - but at least the number is higher. After all my vitals, it was time for my echocardiogram. I was such a good girl! I sat on Mommy's lap holding my lovie and watching Elmo on TV while the tech applied the leads and used a wand to do an ultrasound at the same time. It took about 15 minutes and I didn't make a peep and barely moved. My parents were very impressed!

We had to wait in the room for a few minutes for Dr. Choy to review the results. Although my heart hadn't gotten better - it hadn't gotten any worse either. Dr. Choy wrote a letter for Shriner's and Stanford to let them know as far as he is concerned I am cleared for surgery. I have to come back again in six months to do the whole process again. I am going to be a pro before too long!

Peyton Nicole Smith

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