Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friday, July 11th, 2008

The heat and the smoke are finally starting to subside so it was a much nicer day today. A few more days of this and I will be able to go outside for a walk again. Until then, I take mini-walks in my ride-on toy. Today I even brought a passager along - the bear that I got for being so good at UC Davis during my CT scan. These mini-walks also give my brothers an opportunity for some exercise as well since they like to follow along beside me.

We had a little scare with Henry today. He started vomiting at 5:30 this morning and then had about 5 other episodes over the next 4 hours. In the evening, Mommy gave him chicken and rice to see if he could keep that down. My parents are hoping it was just a minor stomach bug and he is back to himself tomorrow.

Mommy decided to add some fun things to the blog today. There is a doggie clock that shows the time where I am and the weather forecast here. She added a counter to show how many people have visited the site. She also put on a live "traffic" feed showing who is visiting the site, where they are visiting from, how they got to my blog and where they are going to. It is very exciting to see how many fans I have out there and how far away some of them are. Mommy noticed this evening someone came in from Alaska - she thinks that is her Uncle Tom and Aunt Patty - hi guys!

Peyton Nicole Smith

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