Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

I had lots of visitors today! Terry my special education teacher, Karen my occupational therapist and Pat the nurse for the infant development program all came together to play with me. While Karen & Terry kept me busy playing with fun toys they had brought, Mommy and Pat talked about what I have been up to since the last time Pat came to visit - January! There was obviously a lot for my Mommy to tell her - I have been a very busy girl this year! It has been a long summer without seeing Karen so it was fun to play with her again. I think she was pretty impressed with all my new tricks since the last time she came to visit. Terry brought me an pop up Elmo book because she knows I like Elmo so much. Karen is going to come back and see me soon so she can help me learn how to use my hand after the cast comes off next week.

After the excitment of all my visitors, I was a little worn out. To entertain me, Mommy decided to give me a change of scenery and let me play in her and Daddy's bedroom. Nine months ago Mommy would have been terrified to bring me into her bedroom without the suction machine close by but I am such a big girl now that I don't spit up anymore or need suctioning like I used to. Mommy doesn't actually have any toys in her room for me but I am just as happy playing with Henry and Chili's toys. They each have their own toy basket in my parents room. Chili likes hard vinyl squeaky toys and Henry likes soft plush squeaky toys. I like all kinds of squeaky toys so I pull them out one by one to hand to the dogs to play with. It keeps all three of us entertained!

In the Fall 2008 newsletter for The Foundation For Nager and Miller Syndromes, Mommy wrote an article about my jaw distraction. As soon as it is posted on line she will let you know. Today we received our copy in the mail. We weren't able to attend the yearly conference this year but they posted some pictures in the newsletter and it looked like a lot of fun. Mommy is hoping that the conference for 2009 might be a little closer so we could consider going.

Peyton Nicole Smith

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