Happy St Patrick's Day! In honor of the holiday I had to wear some green of course - I didn't want to get pinched! Mid-morning I went to go see my GI. On the way there I fell asleep - when we hit the parking lot! Since we were a little early, Mommy and Lucille sat in the car and let me sleep in my car seat. Eventually they had to wake me up and I was excited to get out of the car. We checked in and sat in the waiting room. I was still a little sleepy and a bit shy - so for a few minutes I kept hiding my face in Mommy's shoulder because other people in the waiting room were trying to wave at me (so not my regular personality!) Eventually, though, I warmed up and was happy to run around the waiting area and dancing for everyone. Then I discovered the bathroom just down the hall and Mommy couldn't keep me out of there for anything - I am all about the potty! Finally we got called back! It had been several months since Dr Davies had seen me - at that point I was still getting feedings at night so a lot has changed! I was up to 18 lbs. 13 ozs. today. She said I was maintaining my growth curve but with a surgery coming up quickly she wants to make sure I have a little extra "cushion" so she wants my parents to increase my feeding volume by 10%. Then, my parents are going to start experimenting to see if they can get me off of my reflux medication. It's possible I have grown out of my reflux but until they stop giving it to me they won't know for sure. Dr Davies is going to refer me to an ENT she really likes locally as well as a pulmonologist. She wants to see me back in about six weeks - so she can check in on my growth before my surgery.
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