Mommy and I are certainly getting a lot of quality alone time together with Daddy being sick. Daddy normally puts me to bed at night but that hasn't happened in almost a week. I like to test boundaries with Mommy so I have been doing a lot of crying when she puts me into the crib at night. When that doesn't get her attention I throw my lovie or doll out of the crib. Mommy doesn't get right up to put them back though, she lets me sweat it out a little while!
Peyton Nicole Smith
You little stinker!
ReplyDeleteMommy has TOO much on her plate already, you need to stop testing your limits at night sweet girl!
I know the feeling, Jackson likes to throw his lovies out of the crib also, and screams until I come in the room to give them back. He thinks it's great fun!
Love you!
Aunt Kristin