Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

I was in a strange mood today. I didn't want to hang out in my crib at all so Lucille ended up holding and rocking me instead. I didn't have any spit up today, though which made Mommy really happy. My 5 pm feeding was my last breast milk feeding. Starting tomorrow I will be completely transitioned to formula. I think Mommy was a little sad but it was okay by me.
Since I have started on formula I have a lot more gas and it comes out either end. In the last week Mommy has started hearing me burp for the first time. She wasn't sure that is what it was the first couple of times since burping through a trach sounds really strange.
Mommy took some pictures of all my machines that we will be bringing with us to Salt Lake. The first is my pulse ox machine that monitors my oxygen levels and my heart rate. This is the most irritating machine to my parents because it alarms if I move around too much or my lead isn't attached well. The second is my trach mist machine that gives me warmed air since with my trach I can't humidify the oxygen I breathe. The third is my Kangaroo pump that pumps my feedings into through my Mic-KEY button. The last machine - and probably the most important - is my suction machine. That is how my parents and nurses get my secretions out of my trach and suction up my spit ups. Saturday night they had a scare again when the lid on my suction machine cracked and they couldn't get a good suction. They called my DME company and told them they would have to send someone out with a new lid. When the rep showed up he explained that the lid design was changed several months ago and many clients are having an issue with it cracking after several weeks. Since this was the second time it has happened to my parents felt a little better that it wasn't something they were doing wrong. They are trying to get the insurance to authorize more lids a month so they don't have to worry about this in the future. So if you see me in Salt Lake you might see a few of my machines too and now you'll know what they do.
Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you guys in Salt Lake at Christmas and to see Peyton in person! I have enjoyed reading your blog and Kristin just showed me how to make comments..
