Monday, November 19, 2007

Saturday, November 17th & Sunday, November 18th

Mommy had big plans to take pictures of me in my Christmas dress this weekend but I had a "projectile vomiting incident" Saturday morning. I wasn't able to keep down my 8 am feeding and was not a happy girl. My parents called the on call pediatrician and he recommended waiting to feed me again for several hours and reducing the volume.

Saturday night I slept really well and was pretty happy until the end of my 5 pm feeding on Sunday when I spit up a little. For the next hour I was really grouchy. I was lying on a pillow on Daddy's lap and was really fussy. My brother, Henry, whined by the chair until Mommy picked him up and put him next to me on the pillow. I think he was worried about me! Mommy noticed it had been 12 hours since the last time I had a messy diaper so she figured that was the problem. Mommy and Daddy decided to hook up the bolus feeding extension and "vent" me to get some gas out of tummy. After doing that a few times I was perking up and Mommy got the messy diaper she had been waiting for. Life was good again after that. Since I had spit up at 6 pm and my trach change was scheduled for 8, my parents decided to hold off on my trach change another night to make sure they didn't cause any more spitting up by changing my trach.

Despite the stress of my tummy troubles this weekend, Mommy noticed a few new tricks of mine. I am using my hands a lot more and when I am sitting with my Mommy I like to hold onto her arm. Before Daddy trimmed my nails on Sunday it was less like stroking and more like scratching! I also started putting my hands together and playing with my fingers, that was kind of fun. Now when I get really excited I try to roll over onto my belly. Mommy is watching me really carefully on that to make sure that I don't roll over all the way and cover my trach hole. I haven't gotten all the way over yet but I am trying. Mommy put me in the glider my Aunt Kristin bought me the last time she came for a visit. I look so tiny!

Peyton Nicole Smith


  1. It is pretty sad how life revolves around what is going in and how often it is coming out, but this will change. Right now, however, I can relate. I remember praying hard for my baby to have a bowel movement (and I'm not really the praying type)!!! You look great. Keep up the great new things!

  2. You are so beautiful. I love your hair and long eyelashes. You're just like your cousin Traiton, always smiling. We love you, Amber and Traiton.
