After resting my tummy all night, Mommy decided to try a small feeding this morning to see if it was back to normal. 20 cc's in I had a small diaper (the suppository from last night had finally kicked in) and 40 cc's in I started dry heaving so Mommy turned the feeding off. Obviously, my tummy was still having some issues so Mommy called my GI to see about coming in for an appointment and cancelled my other appointment of the morning. Since Mommy knew it may be a while until we heard back from the doctor she had Lucille start me on Pedialite so I wouldn't get dehydrated and it was a good sign when that stayed down. Then I moved on to a feeding of 1/2 Pedialite and 1/2 formula and Lucille got a big diaper to change - another good sign. By this point, the dietician called back for my GI. My regular dietician is out on maternity leave and the new dietician was not familiar with my case. First, she let Mommy know that based on my xray it did not appear that I had an obstruction. Then, she stared suggesting to Mommy that I needed to go back on night feeds, back on Zegerid and move from 5 feedings a day to 3. Over the course of all my vomiting problems, my parents have learned a mantra from the GI - if you change up more than one thing about the feeding plan you'll never know what was wrong or what fixed it. So Mommy was pretty clear with the dietician that she was willing to change something - just not everything at once. While the dietician went back to the drawing board, Mommy and Lucille decided that since I had only gotten a portion of my feeding this morning that contained my Miralax, they would give me a big dose of Miralax with my next feeding. A few hours after that, I came looking for Lucille and pointed to a spot on the floor. Lucille was pretty horrified to discover the Miralax had also kicked in but man was I feeling good! My tummy felt much better with all the diapers and Mommy felt confidant I could handle a smaller feeding of just formula and I did. The dietician eventually called Mommy back and recommended just reducing my calorie intake from 30 kcal to 27 kcal and then call the office on Monday if I was still vomiting.
Peyton Nicole Smith
Poor Lucille!