I am getting so big now that I don't even have to do "modified" tummy time anymore. Now, Mommy just puts me on my Boppy pillow made for tummy time and I hold my head up and look around. I am even comfortable enough now that I am reaching for toys and sucking on my hand while on my tummy. I can also hold my head up for longer periods of time in my baby chair.
Poor Mommy broke a tooth and had to go to the dentist today. They didn't have time to fix today, just an exam and xrays so she will have to deal with it a few more weeks until she can find time in her schedule to get back in to the dentist.
Peyton Nicole Smith
Peyton you are getting big. Your hair is long. Pretty soon you will have enough to do pig tails, princess buns and french braids. How exciting for your Mommy. I loved doing my nieces hair that way when she was little. Trai can't wait to see you in March. He knows baby sign. He is excited someone else in his family will finally know what he is signing. Take care baby girl. Love, Amber and Trai