Monday, February 25, 2008

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Today I had a visit from Sarah. She is the respite nurse that will allow my parents to spend a few hours every other weekend to spend some time together, run errands, etc. Basically, she is a highly trained baby-sitter! She seemed very nice and spent about an hour going over my care with Mommy and Lucille. Then Mommy had to go back to work so Lucille and Sarah played with me for a little while together.

Peyton Nicole Smith


  1. YeePee - Thanks Sarah for letting mommy and daddy be Tracy and Travis for a little bit. That kind of break is so important and it is always good to miss you a little bit too! You look very cute in pastel colors can't wait to see you in Salt Lake.

  2. Peyton,

    You look SO big and grown up! It's a great time for your parents to start getting away for a few hours at a stretch, and maybe soon, they will begin taking you on outings with them.

    We will wear them down in Salt Lake and get your mommy out of her "routine", and maybe then you'll be able to start exploring Sacramento with her!

    Love you!

    Aunt Kristin
