Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Nicole started working as my night nurse last night - yeah! My parents were very happy to get back to a more normal sleeping routine. I was very good for Nicole and only woke up once. Around 4:30 am I sat up, looked at her and then just as quickly fell back onto my crib mattress and fell asleep. My parents warned Nicole about this - it usually happens at least once a night. Nicole got all excited thinking that I was waking up and she would get to play with me but I tricked her!

Today Terry, my special education teacher came by to play with me. She came bearing gifts - a Super Talker communication device. The one in the picture above is gray but mine is purple. It has multiple levels of pictures that can be set up with voice output. This way I can communicate with people who don't know sign language. We are going to start with 4 pictures right now. Mommy did some research tonight and was able to download free trial software of BoardMaker Plus to print out the picture templates to use with my Super Talker. Eventually I may move on to a more sophisticated machine that is like a small computer but this will work for now.
Terry also brought supplies so I could make Daddy a valentine using red paint to make handprints. Despite Mommy and Terry painting their own hands red I wasn't in the mood. Mommy thinks I felt a little cheated because they put me in my high chair to play with paint and I wanted to eat instead!

Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. Love your new communication device, Terry brings all the great toys! Jackson needs a Terry to bring him toys!

    I am sorry to hear that you weren't interested in making daddy a valentine as I know how much he would have enjoyed it. Maybe mommy can capture you sometime in the next few days to make this special project in time for Valentines!

    Hope to see you sometime soon!
