I had expected to wake up to my new night nurse, Nicole, this morning but it was Mommy instead. Daddy actually stayed up with me but Mommy sent him to bed around 5 am for a few hours of sleep before he needed to get ready for work. My parents aren't sure why Nicole didn't make it last night but hope to find out something more today.
It's been six months since my last cardiology check up and Mommy learned something from the last two times - bring a DVD from home to keep me entertained during my echocardiogram since it takes 10-15 minutes. Mommy packed up all my favorite Baby Signing Time videos and Lucille, Mommy and I headed to UC Davis. We were a little early but they were able to get us in early which was great! First I had to have an EKG. I didn't really mind until they had to pull off the 10 "stickers" and it hurt! Next it was time for my measurements - naked I weighed in at 18 lbs. 8 ozs. Before my echocardiogram, Dr Choy came by to say hello and see if Mommy had any questions. She asked him if he had any concerns about VitalStim with my heart condition and he didn't see a reason it would be a problem. Shortly, Mommy and I (with the Baby Signing Time DVD) moved to the echocardiogram room. I sat down next to Mommy on the bed with my lovie and for the next 15 minutes was a perfect angel watching my DVD while I had my echocardiogram done. Mommy was so impressed and so was the technician. She has done all three of my echocardiograms and she has got to see my grow up to be such a big girl. After she was done, we headed back to the exam room to meet up with Lucille and wait for Dr Choy. He checked out the results of the test and changed my diagnosis from "mild to moderate insufficiency" to "mild insufficiency". Before Mommy could ask he let her know that it didn't necessarily mean that my heart has improved - it could just be the difference in how it sounds and looks from day to day. Mommy was just so thrilled that it hadn't gotten any worse! So for now there isn't any restrictions or changes and I just need to come back again in six months for the same round of tests. I am getting to be an expert at this!
I love the story that came along with my potty chair. It's pretty funny to hear Mommy read it to me - lots of excited talk about Prudence and her Wee-Wee and Poo-Poo! I can't help but get excited too so when Mommy asked me if I wanted to sit on my potty today I took her up on it. I stayed on for quite a while - even reading my potty book while sitting on it. Since I have cried in the past when Mommy puts me on my potty it seemed like a good sign to her!
Peyton Nicole Smith
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