Due to issues with sleeping, my night nurse Marianne will no longer be coming to take care of me. My new nurse, Nicole, was supposed to start last night but there was a little mix up and now she won't be starting until Sunday. So that leaves my parents to be my night nurse for the next few days. Mommy stayed up last night and I was very good for her - slept all night long. Around 5:30 this morning I woke up happy and ready to play. Within minutes of hooking up my feeding, though, I started gagging and a few minutes later the vomiting began. It was very strange though, instead of throwing up my formula it was all yellow. Despite turning off my feeding, I continued vomiting off and on over the next hour. As Daddy was leaving for work and Lucille was coming to take care of me, Mommy called the Nurse Advice Line to get some feedback. They confirmed Mommy's worry that I might have an intestinal blockage and the yellow meant I was vomiting up bile - not a good sign. Mommy held me for about 45 minutes while I slept and then when I woke up it was like nothing had ever happened. By this time, my pediatrician had called Mommy and let her know that if the vomiting continued she needed to take me to the ER right away so they could do an xray of my belly. When it came time for my next feeding, Lucille gave me a little Pedialite and I kept it all down without a problem. By 10:00 it was time to leave to go get my Synagis shot. Since I was doing so well, Mommy didn't think it would be a problem. While sitting in the waiting room I checked out all the other kids and one little girl - just a few years older than I am - was fascinated with me. Before I knew it, she walked up and touched me on the nose. Mommy thinks she was trying to aim for my trach but missed! You should have seen the frowny look I gave her but at that moment she got called back. When it was my turn, I got down to nothing and got a weight - 18 lbs. 6 ozs. Then it was time for my shot and although I cried a little I was over it pretty quickly. When we got back from my appointment there was a message from my pediatrician. She had tried to get a hold of the office we went to for the shot to see if they could do an xray while we were there but she just missed us. She advised Mommy to give me a suppository because she was pretty sure I really needed to go potty. Within about an hour of it, Lucille reported that I had finally pooped. By then I had already been taking 1/2 soy milk and 1/2 pedialite so Mommy figured I was well on my way to recovery. Just another reminder that with the soy milk my parents need to keep up on the Miralax with me so we don't have this happen again!
By the time Daddy arrived home tonight he found a much happier girl then when he left. Now when I hear the dogs bark and run down the hall, I know that means that Daddy is coming home from work and I walk down the hall as quickly as my little legs will let me so I can greet him too. I love my Mommy but Daddy is my favorite!
Since there is no night nurse again tonight, Mommy is going to stay up with me and try to catch a little sleep when she can. I will try to be easy on her.
Peyton Nicole Smith
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