Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday, January 12th, 2008

Today I had a nice, relaxing day with my parents and my brothers. I like to spend time on the floor when I am not having a feeding - rolling over, watching tv, trying to follow the antics of my brother and playing with my toys. Mommy loves this time with me because when I am not hooked up to anything I am really just like any other baby. Luckily, the suction machine is portable so she sets it next to me and if I need a suction she can do that quickly and I am back to doing whatever I was doing before. I still love my swing as you can see but I am getting so big now that I want to explore other places as well.

Peyton Nicole Smith


  1. Happy Monday sweet girl!

    Only two more weekends and I will be with you in Sacramento, along with uncle Lonnie. Hope your parents have arranged for your care on Saturday night, we're taking them out for a night on the town!

    Love and miss you!

    Aunt Kristin and baby Jackson Smith

  2. Peyton, you have the cutest smile! You are definately a very happy little girl. Glad to hear of the continued progress. Keep it up!
