Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Mommy and I had a good time today at my "karate" class (there is a sign for karate so that is easier then fingerspelling). I didn't make it the full thirty minutes and we headed out a few minutes early. By chance, my friend Brighton was taking a t-ball class at the same facility so I go to see Kelly and Sophia for the first time in almost a year! Sophia wasn't feeling too well today but I was happy to see her.
It was finally warm enough that I got to spend a little time at the park this morning. I have been requesting to go swing for months but it has been too rainy or cold. It was still a little chilly after a rainstorm last night but the sun was out so Mommy took a chance and stopped on the way home from class. The slides were all still wet but the swings were nice and dry.
In the afternoon Uncle Jeff came by to play for a few hours. Since he is all too familiar with running after me when I am having a feeding he was very impressed that I am a big girl now and wear my backpack like Dora. That doesn't mean that I don't grab his hand and drag him with me though!
Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are still doing so well holding your backpack! Good girl! I am sure Jeff still enjoys running around the house with you, with or without the responsibility of holding your bag.
