Well, I spoke to soon about my new love for Foofa. Don't get me wrong, I adore Foofa but that was before I found my long lost love - Rudolph. My parents were trying to be sneaky. When we returned from Salt Lake after Christmas they hid Rudolph my singing/talking/moving reindeer. Besides the song being annoying after 50 times in a day he is also VERY loud and all of us have jumped at one point or another when he got turned on and we weren't expecting it. But I am one smart cookie and tonight I saw him sitting at the top of my parent's closet and demanded he be returned to me. I was thrilled to see him again and didn't waste any time introducing him to my fish and all my new toys. My parents were not so thrilled and didn't waste any time trying to figure out a way to conveniently lose him again. So if Rudolph is involved in some unfortunate accident.....
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