Sunday, October 12, 2008

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy! Although Mommy let Daddy have his iPod weeks ago, she still wanted to do something for his birthday, so she had his favorite cheesecake delivered to his office yesterday to share with the guys at work. Unfortunately, Uncle Jeff was fasting before getting some blood work done and Daddy didn't think it was very nice for all of them to eat in front of him. So guess what came home last night - a whole cheesecake! Too bad I'm not eating cheesecake yet, I could try to help them out.

Today Uncle Jeff came by to take my parents to lunch while Sarah kept an eye on me. They had a nice lunch and Sarah and I had some good play time together. After my parents got me to bed for the night, Daddy went to the gun range for a few hours - one of his favorite activities. I am glad my Daddy had a good day.

BTW - Uncle Jeff isn't really my uncle but with no family close by he has agreed to be a stand in family member. His only requirement is that if we ever move back to Utah he gets to come with us. Sounds like a fair trade.

Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pajamas! These are SO great, and you look so happy in them!

    Miss you TONS!

    Aunt Kristin
