Why am I holding a wooden spoon? Maybe to keep Mommy from taking me to anymore doctor's appointments today! Let's just say it was a busy day!
First, we had a 9 am appointment at the UC Davis Mind Institute for evaluation of how I am developing since I am a NICU graduate. At my weigh in with all my clothes on I was 17 lbs. 3 ozs. They had lots of fun tasks for me to complete to show how smart I am - and I did very well! The social worker who gave me the tests asked my Mommy, "Who said she was delayed?" I was very charming and "flashed" all my signs - water, doggy, baby, thank you, etc. She seemed very impressed, espescially because if my Mommy said a word I did the sign automatically without Mommy having to show it to me first. At the end of the session, Mommy was told that I am right on track in most areas. My expressive language (talking and babbling) they didn't test me on because of the trach but my receptive language skills I was only a little behind - about 11 months - but that was pretty good considering I didn't have a hearing aid until I was 6 months old! Most of my gross and fine motor skills I was right around 14 months. Because I was such a good girl for my appointment they gave me a Taggie book! Needless to say I was pretty tired so I fell asleep on the way home and slept a few hours in my crib. Before I knew it, Lucille was waking me up to take me to my second appointment of the day - my flu shot :(
Everyone at my old pediatrician's office were happy to see me - it was nice to know they hadn't forgotten me. It was over quickly and as soon as Mommy picked me up I stopped crying and picked out my toy. Since it was my very first flu shot we had to wait 20 minutes in the office to make sure I didn't have an allergic reaction. As if that was not enough excitement for one day, as we got ready to leave Lucille was going to hook me up for my feeding but Mommy noticed that my button looked loose. When she started to pull on it, it started to come out. Mommy decided to wait until they got home to check it out. Sure enough, when she tried to pull it out at home, it came right out, the balloon was empty. Mommy filled the balloon and looked for a leak but couldn't see one so she put it back in and filled it up. An hour later, Mommy noticed that the front of my shirt was wet and when she lifted it up, out came the button! This time, Mommy put in the back up button and when she checked out the old one she noticed there was a really small leak at the top where the button and the balloon meet.
The drama continued into the evening as I have gone several days without a good stinky diaper. After three doses of Miralax in the last few days with nothing to show for it, my parents decided to try a glycerine suppository. Now Aunt Kristin assured my parents that they get almost immeadiate results. 4 hours later when I went to sleep guess what, no stinky diaper. My parents are hoping that Marianne gets blessed with it tonight because if not there will be a call to the pediatrician in the morning to figure out what to do next.
Two button changes, a flu shot and a suppository. And how was your day?
Peyton Nicole Smith