In prep for my craniofacial appointment on 7/18, Dr Morales asked that I get a panoramic xray done. Now if you have followed my blog you know that getting traditional xrays has been an awful experience for many years. The last xrays in the spring for my shoulder and my jaw took an hour and resulted in emotional scarring. Add to that my past hypersensitivity with anything to do with my mouth and Mommy was a little nervous.
It was only a few minutes after we signed in that the tech brought us back to the xray room. Although I have been to the dental office at Primary Children's multiple times, I had never been in the xray room and was a little hesitant. Once Mommy explained that there were "no hands" (I wasn't going to be held down) I cheerfully responded with "OK" and was happy to go along. The tech got me on a chair and covered me with the xray gown (that is usually enough to set me off but I was fine) and then I had to get my chin positioned on top of the metal, my head between two arms and I had to put a small piece of plastic in my mouth. And then I had to sit completely still for about 30 seconds as the xray film rotated around my head. Mommy stood on the other side so I could see her and encouraged me to sit perfectly still and once it was done I demanded a sticker and we headed back to the waiting room for the film to process. While we waited the tech brought me a sticker and a ball for being so good. I was content to play for a few minutes but the tech came back and said I had "wiggled" just a little so we had to do it again. Before Mommy had time to cringe, I shouted "yeah!" and went running back to the room to do it again. So back on the chair I hopped and Mommy encouraged me to do like we do with the Yo Gabba Gabba songs and "hold still" and "freeze". I was happy to play along and within a few minutes it was all over and back to the waiting room we went. The receptionist was so taken with me she asked Mommy if it would be okay to send me down to the cafeteria for a complimentary ice cream treat but Mommy broke the news that I have a severe milk allergy. A few minutes later, the tech came back out with the film to take to the appointment next week and you can see it above. Let's just say I will need a lot of orthodontia work in the future which is not unusual for children with Nager Syndrome!
Mommy and Grandma Glenda were very impressed with me and how well the appointment went. I have really grown up in the last year and with the exception of the traditional xrays I like going to my doctor's appointments now.
Peyton Nicole Smith
I'm so proud of you for being so brave for the x-ray!
ReplyDeleteMy little girl has an appt with the cranio team on 7/18 to see Dr. M as well, hers is at 1:30! Maybe we'll see you there! :)
Good job Peyton! X-rays are hard!