Today was supposed to be the Hope Kids Adventure Walk. Well they walked but I didn't! First off, Mommy was my night nurse last night and around 3 in the morning she started to get that itchy feeling in her ears and throat that meant she was catching my cold. Since she is also taking antibiotics for a week-long sinus infection she was not happy! I decided to sleep a little later this morning and as a result I had three feedings without any peeing so as soon as I woke up around 9 Mommy knew what was going to happen next - that's right vomiting! Despite Mommy holding up the towel to try to protect her clothing and mine I managed to push it away just moments before I let loose. Once I was finished, though, I was feeling great. Meanwhile, Mommy was feeling awful! Since Daddy needed to get the plants they bought last weekend in the ground, Mommy kept an eye on me until early evening while he worked outside. Mommy also found out that I passed my little germs on to Grandma Glenda and cousin Traiton as well - pretty sneaky of me huh!
Because of all my sneezing and runny nose, Daddy put an old sock over my cast since I was so fond of wiping my nose with it - eeww! It worked like a charm!
By 6:00 Daddy came in from outside and Mommy got some long awaited relaxation time. Daddy will be my night nurse tonight so Mommy can try to get better.
Peyton Nicole Smith
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