Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

It was a chilly Thanksgiving morning but my parents had promised me a Christmas tree so shopping we went. Unfortunately this is one of those lessons every parent must learn - never make a promise you can't keep! Apparently, Christmas tree lots are closed on Thanksgiving so we went home empty handed.
My parents tried to put me down for a nap since I would need all my energy for playing with Uncle Jeff but after having a few sips of Pepsi prior to nap time I was not going to sleep. When Jeff showed up a few minutes later all bets were off and I got up to play. Daddy and Jeff kept me busy while Mommy got to work on our Thanksgiving meal.
Towards early evening my lack of a naptime started to catch up with me and there was lots of tripping and falling as I tired out. My parents got me into bed but it wasn't until Jeff left to go home that I finally wound down enough to fall asleep.
Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Peyton Nicole Smith

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