Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Happy Easter!  After yesterday's warm up for egg hunting I considered myself a pro for the egg hunting at Grandma and Papa Smith's today.  It was still a little chilly but the rain held at bay long enough that I could find my eggs.  The strategy was a little different.  Instead of just grabbing any egg I could find, I was supposed to look for pink and purple eggs while Dylan had green and blue and Skyler had one single yellow egg worth $10.  I found Skyler's egg right away (it was at my level) but couldn't reveal the secret until he found it on his own!

Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. These images are adorable.
    I gasped at the second image!
    It is gorgeous.
    This is my fave image of all times of Peyton.
