Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

With the weird weather in Utah it is no wonder that everyone is confused about which season it actually is!  This afternoon I went with Mommy to the Black Bear Diner to pick up some take out.  While we waited, the cashier asked Mommy if I wanted a balloon.  She was expecting your run of the mill balloon on a string but instead she handed over this black bear snow shoeing!

Maybe that is what got me thinking, but I decided to pull out my bag with my winter accessories - gloves, coat, boots and hat - and try them on.  Then I got down on the floor and made a "snow" angel.  The boys even participated (unwillingly) and they sure are cute!

Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the weather!
    We are now just being hit with over a foot and half of snow?! Is it not April?
    Snow angels inside..brillian idea Peyton.
    I love your BIKE!!!
