Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

Because that is just how we roll in my household just over 48 hours after the princess birthday party I am now sporting a fever, massive sneezing and a runny nose.  Hmmm...let's see how many colds will this make for me in less than a year?  TOO MANY!!!!

So despite the beginning stages of another cold I had a task to accomplish tonight.  The reason the bean ended up in my nose a few nights ago is that I found some beans in the pantry and after watching too many Caillou episodes decided I needed to plant my bean seeds.  Daddy soaked them overnight and today I hit him up as soon as he walked in the door after work to get those suckers planted.  Hopefully they grow as fast as Mommy remembers from her elementary school years otherwise it could be a long painful process of checking every few minutes to see if anything has changed!

Peyton Nicole Smith

1 comment:

  1. These are sweet images.
    She has such great hair!
    Please tell Peyton's Aunt I tried to thank her for the sweet comment she left for me on my blog, yet it wouldn't allow me.
    I have read it and she is very kind.
