Peyton Nicole Smith
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Saturday, July 31st, 2010
Peyton Nicole Smith
Friday, July 29th, 2010
In the evening, Karen came over for dinner and I kept her entertained with my constant chatter and laughing.
Peyton Nicole Smith
Thursday, July 28th, 2010
I have some exciting news. Today in the mail Mommy received the trach cap she had ordered last week. So when she got me in the car tonight to head over to Grandma's she put it on me and she held her breath. No need for her to worry, I wore the cap for the next five hours without any sign of distress. In fact, Mommy noticed that I was immeadiately a lot more vocal than normal and sang all the way over to Grandma's house. Mommy isn't getting too excited. She understands the logic of keeping the trach in through several more surgeries but the fact that I can tolerate the cap is a great sign for future decannulation!
Peyton Nicole Smith
Tuesday, July 27th, 2010
Monday, July 26th, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, July 25th, 2010
Peyton Nicole Smith
Saturday, July 24th, 2010
Friday, July 23rd, 2010
Peyton Nicole Smith
Thursday, July 22nd, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday, July 19th, 2010
First up was dentistry/orthodontia. Dr Yamashiro reviewed the previous panel appointment notes. Since I am already being followed by the dental clinic, he didn't have a lot to add at this point but said, "99.9% of Nager kids need orthodontia work" so Mommy knew we would be seeing him again before too long!
Next was Dr Muntz the ENT. If you have followed the blog over the years, you know Mommy has hoped to find an ENT that she would respect. She felt instantly comfortable with Dr Muntz and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have any great news - but it wasn't anything she hadn't heard before. Mommy and Dr Muntz reviewed my past medical history and how we ended up in front of him. He was in agreement that it was best to keep my trach in at least through several more surgeries since I have been a nearly impossible intubation in the past. Despite not decannulation in the near future, he encouraged Mommy to have me try capping sooner rather than later. It would give us a good idea of the status of my airway but it would also contribute to less infection if I was breathing through my mouth and nose instead of my trach. To my serious protests, he did a quick exam of my mouth. He wasn't able to get a great look but he is concerned that I may not have any soft palate at all - which would make a pharyngeal flap surgery very difficult. Until plastic surgery gets me under anesthesia, though, he will have to wait to make a final recommendation.
Next on the list was Dr Morales from plastic surgery. It has been over two years since I first saw Dr Morales for a surgery consult. Although my parents decided to go with Dr Schendel at the time, they liked Dr Morales and have heard great things about him from other families. He also did an exam of my mouth and got a general update of what Dr Schendel had done previously. He agreed that another distraction was in order but I am a pretty complex case due to my TM joint ankylosis. He would actually recommend trying to repair the TM joint first but the reality for children my age is that the needed stretching and exercises that need to happen post surgery is unlikely. Therefore, first up will probably be the jaw distraction. Before any decisions on time and method, though, he wants to see us at his own clinic and he wants a CT scan to get a better idea of what he is up against.
Speech came by for a quick hello since I had seen speech folks in the dysphagia clinic appointment a few weeks ago. While I went back to the wiating room to play, Mommy met with the nurse to get any questions answered. The nurse has been following my blog recently and she let Mommy know that I am one of four kids currently in the craniofacial panel that have Nager syndrome. Mommy just talked to Isaac's mommy a few weeks ago. There is another child in Idaho that she will be contacting soon and will pass on my blog address in case they want to chat. She is going o research who the other child is as well. Although Dr Schendel was treating quite a few kids with Nager syndrome, it sounds like Dr Morales is as well.
It was a busy appointment but there weren't any surprises - in fact it went pretty much as Mommy had predicted. In a few weeks we should get the
"results" back - basically just notes on the recommendations of the specialists. I'll let you know what they say.
Peyton Nicole Smith
Sunday, July 18th, 2010
Peyton Nicole Smith
Saturday, July 17th, 2010
It seemed like a good idea at the time - Uncle Jeff and his girlfriend Viv would come over for dinner. Just as they were pulling up, Henry was looking out the window and saw a Rottweiler being walked by. He was barking and wound up and about that time in walked Viv and Jeff. Now Henry knows Uncle Jeff but he doesn't know Viv and she was the first in the door. Before anyone knew it, he ran up to her and gave her a hard nip on her foot - you can see a tooth mark above. My parents were horrified! Uncle Jeff lovingly attended to Viv with some alcohol swabs. With a little bit of wine, Viv was feeling much better although my parents were still shaken.
Despite it getting off to such a rough start, the rest of the night was great with a nice steak, some good wine and me entertaining the crowd as usual.
Peyton Nicole Smith
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 14th, 2010
As Mommy has said in the past - my mouth is the perfect storm for dental decay. It is small to begin with and then when you add my ankylosis, it is nearly impossible to open my mouth wide enough to do any real good tooth brushing. To make matters worse, my bottom jaw sits so much farther back from my upper jaw now that when I clench my mouth closed during tooth brushing, my bottom teeth are hidden by my top teeth. As if the anatomy issues were not enough - then I have a few other contributing factors. Because of the trach and g tube, I don't use my mouth for breathing and eating like most folks which means my mouth is open to the air all the time and I don't have a lot of saliva production which means that any bacteria isn't washed away by the saliva when I swallow - not good! As if I wasn't already a dental nightmare - add on my diet. The only foods I like are refined sugars and carbohydrates - the worst bacteria producers. And in addition, I graze all day which means the bacteria is constantly being produced. So there you have it - the perfect storm. So when the dentist came out to speak with Mommy 2 1/2 hours later she shouldn't have been surprised to hear the bad news. Well she heard the bad news but she also saw the bad news when he handed her a biohazard cup with my teeth in it. Drum roll please - I lost 7 teeth and had 5 teeth crowned! There were four teeth that needed to be extracted but three of the four were fused which resulted in seven extractions in total. The one extraction that was a single tooth was actually a root canal/crown from the last dental surgery that developed an abscess. Now as the dentist explained it, 90% of the time a root canal followed by a crown will take care of the tooth for good - but as you know, I would have to be the 10%! Because of my heart condition and not wanting to chance an infection travelling to my heart, the dentist said he was more agressive then he might normally be which resulted in more extractions then crowns. About this time, Aunt Kristin walked in to hear the update and got to witness Mommy breaking out crying - can you say embarassing! Mommy usually does a pretty good job of keeping it together but seeing the proof of all my little teeth in the cup was just too much - she felt like a horrible parent.
As Mommy mopped up the tears, she was able to come back to visit me in recovery and Aunt Kristin joined her shortly after. I had woken up a few minutes before Mommy arrived to see me and I was fighting! The nurses had put pillows all around the crib to keep me from huring myself. They had given me some anti nausea meds which have the side effect of knocking me out so I was down for the count. After watching me sleep for a good hour, Aunt Kristin went home and Mommy kept watch. Now apparently most children gradually wake up after anesthesia but not me. Out of nowhere, I sat straight up in bed and was ready to go. No grogginess or whining - just wanted to get dressed and leave. And about five minutes later that is just what we did. Mommy called Daddy on the phone on the ride home and I was laughing from the car seat as if I had just spent a day playing at the park - not having serious dental work! I got home and was content to watch Caillou in between irritating the dogs before Daddy got home. I hadn't had much time to say hi before Aunt Kristin, Uncle Lonnie and Jackson came to check on me. Jackson and I spent the next few hours chasing each other around the house, climibing the stairs and jumping on the bed - Mommy never knew children's Tylenol was so good - she might have to have some herself! After all that exercise, it still took me quite a while to fall asleep but I finally did. Mommy and Daddy will keep up the pain meds every 3 hours through the night to keep my pain under control. And tomorrow they will get back on the horse and start brushing my teeth again. None of us like this nightly ritual because I cry and fight and have to be held down but brush they will. I don't have many baby teeth left so here's hoping I keep the rest of them for awhile.
Peyton Nicole Smith
Tuesday, July 13th, 2010
Monday, July 12th, 2010
Peyton Nicole Smith
Sunday, July 11th, 2010
Peyton Nicole Smith
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10th, 2010
Friday, July 9th, 2010
Wednesday, July 7th, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6th, 2010
Last week when Carrie from the State came to sign Peyton up for the waiver program, I asked her a question. About six weeks ago I had called asking where Peyton was on the list and Carrie indicated that new children with vents had pushed Peyton down the list. There were now three children ahead of Peyton and only two slots were scheduled to open up in the next few months. That meant Peyton would be at the top of the waiting list again but with no open slots on the horizon. So now I wondered, how did Peyton end up coming off the list? I wasn't quite prepared for the answer - a child had passed away providing the open slot. Of course I know that with the children who qualify for the program they have serious medical issues so death is always a possibility but it is something I never imagined benefitting from. After having nursing for several years and then going without any nursing for several months, I already knew I would appreciate it much more this time around. Now in the back of my mind, though, I will also be wondering about the child who died much too young and hope never to take for granted the nursing time we receive due to their untimely passing.
Monday, July 5th, 2010
In anticipation of the furniture showing up the toys that had ended up in the family room/dining area needed to move. So my parents moved all my toys downstairs to the basement and now I have my very own playroom! I love having all my toys in one place! I spent most of my time there in the evening. I didn't want to leave to go to bed but my parents promised I could spend more time in the room tomorrow.
Peyton Nicole Smith
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sunday, July 4th, 2010
Daddy was busy at home. He replaced the outdoor lights, painted the mailbox, mounted a new mailbox and put on new house numbers. They were small changes but are helping to make a big difference on the house. Good job Daddy!