Meet the newest "member" of our family! It is the iPad 2 with the iAdapter case and the Proloquo2go app. That's right, Mommy put in a request to the insurance company and it was approved! A few weeks ago, we went to the Apple store in the mall and got the iPad. Then, Mommy ordered the iAdapter case. It took a few weeks to get it but it was worth the wait. I love my iPad and anybody I meet I am proud to announce that I have one. Most are just a little amazed that I am barely four and I have one!
I am a little ahead of the curve with this technology so it is going to take some time to get assistance from the school district on how to incorporate it into the classroom. Mommy is also going to have to read the manual and figure out how to customize the app for me. Despite the work ahead, it is a huge accomplishment to have gotten this covered by insurance and it will be a totally cool way to communicate with friends, family and peers!
Peyton Nicole Smith
That is awesome, what kind of insurance do you have? Shaylee has Blue Cross and Medicaid. I didn't know they would cover something like that! Congrats!